For investors dedicated to the steady compounding of wealth:

How I achieved financial independence in my early 30s using the Steady Compounding Investing Framework

Gain mastery over financial analysis, understand growth potential, and learn the art of valuation. Confidently identify winning stocks and exponentially grow your wealth.

Coming soon:

Steady Compounding Investing Academy


“It’s a joy to attend this classroom and learn from you. I took one accounting class in college over 20 years ago and can only wish if you guys would have taught it. I am learning so much from not just the material but the way you share your thought process and nuggets of wisdom you provide.”

Rahul Sharma

Hey compounder,

If you want to accelerate your financial independence by mastering a steadfast investing framework that makes your money work for you, Steady Compounding Investing Academy is for you.

The bad news is that you can’t pick it up right now. The good news is that you can very soon. Like my diet, it needed some fine tuning, so I’m working on it right now.

You can grab Steady Compounding Investing Academy again on March 8th.

We’ll be offering some special relaunch bonuses and the price will increase after a few days. Make sure you don’t miss the launch by popping in your details below.

I’ll be in touch.



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Dear compounder,

If you want to accelerate your financial independence by mastering a steadfast investing framework that makes your money work for you, this is for you.

Here’s the deal:

Investing in the stock market is one of the best opportunities to grow your wealth.

But in this era of information overload, rising interest rates, and often misleading advice, picking the right stocks and understanding the intricacies of investing can seem like an uphill battle.

You might have bought a stock you were confident would go up, only to experience the excruciating pain of a severe drawdown, and you don’t know what to do next.

Combine that with the media screaming how bad the economy is each day…

And it seems damn near impossible to grow your wealth in the stock market.

99% of investors grapple with these fears and frustrations. Can you relate to any of them?

🙁 You have no idea which company’s stock to invest in, or what price to buy it at, let alone how much the company can grow and if it is a resilient business or not.

🙁 Watching the news causes you to second-guess your investment decisions. You are stuck in a constant “emotional rollercoaster” of excitement when you see good news, and fear when you see bad news.

🙁 You find yourself buying a company’s stock without fully understanding why you’ve chosen it. When its value dips by 30% or more, you panic and second-guess your decision.

🙁 Valuing a business seems like a complex puzzle, you aren’t sure if a stock is under or overvalued. When market crashes happen, fear gets the better of you and you sell off without knowing the true worth of your investment, often resulting in losses.

🙁 Your 9-to-5 job or other life commitments leave little time for thorough company analysis, yet you want to cultivate the skill and knowledge to know what information to focus on  to make informed investment decisions.

If you want to survive and thrive in this noisy investing world by arming yourself with a high-value skill (and an incredible asset)...

Then the next 5 minutes will be an important read.

Because for a limited time, I’m inviting aspiring investors to take advantage of the investing framework I’ve developed over the past 15 years. This framework has helped me achieve financial freedom (and free up my time to do what I love).

Clay Finck

We Study Billionaires (TIP) Network

Thomas is very passionate about investing, and it shows in Steady Compounding Investing Academy as he gives a comprehensive guide to being a successful stock investor. An investment in this course is one that I know will pay dividends for many many years.

Eugene Ng

Vision Capital

Thomas’s deep dives indicate the amount of hard work he has done each time to clearly and concisely put together the most relevant information. Often bringing together a unique and logical perspective that drives each investment thesis, making it genuine, straight to the point and easy to read. His genuine and simple writing is what I love most.

Reggie Koh

The Financial Coconut Podcast

Thomas is one of most detailed analyst that you can actually understand! In an information market with one end filled with fluff by interenet gurus and the other by institutional analyst that speak alien only they understand, Thomas sits amongst a unique slither of independent analyst that you will find valuable to you. I have interviewed dozens of people in the space, it is not always about the most refreshing and highly acclaimed personalities, sometimes all you need is someone that has depth, you can trust and understand. I endorse Thomas chua!

My bumpy ride to financial independence

As a teen, I juggled odd jobs to afford school, feeling burned out. The concept of escaping the “rat race” resonated with me. 

Driven to find my financial freedom, I dove into research and discovered the magic of compounding – making money work for me.

This ignited a passion for investing that persisted through college and a public service job.

After 14 years, I was able to leave my job at the age of 31 to write about investing and manage my portfolio full time.

My dream was to let my money do the work for me so I could live on my terms.

But I had ZERO clue how to identify winning stocks.

…Until I came across Warren Buffett.

Me at the Berkshire Hathaway AGM (also referred to as Woodstock for Capitalists by Buffett)

When it comes to investing, Buffett has two rules:

“The first rule of an investment is don’t lose money. And the second rule of an investment is don’t forget the first rule. And that’s all the rules there are.”

Building wealth isn’t about chasing the highest returns without consideration for risk. Rather, it’s about the consistent, steady compounding of returns. 

Understanding this principle is key to building long term wealth. I invite you to watch a 30-second clip of my interview with Channel News Asia (CNA) on this topic:

If you want to succeed as an investor in 2023, you need to know this

Warren explains that you need to own wonderful businesses AND adopt a business owner mindset.

This, by the way, is very different from what most “investors” are doing. Owning a stock isn’t just about trading the flashing prices on your brokerage app.

After studying hundreds of investors on how they grew their wealth, I knew I had to take action and start putting my money to work.

Buffett’s advice on how to succeed?

Own wonderful businesses.

"Charlie’s most important architectural feat was the design of today’s Berkshire. The blueprint he gave me was simple: Forget what you know about buying fair businesses at wonderful prices; instead, buy wonderful businesses at fair prices."

If you have a portfolio of wonderful businesses, these stocks will take over the heavy lifting of growing your wealth for you.

Simple enough, right?

But you know as well as I do, it ain’t.

Anyone can invest in stocks… but only a few can build wealth

Most investors act when they shouldn’t.

And hesitate when action is needed.

Investors pile into stocks when valuations are high and everything seems rosy.

In times of panic and decline in the stock market, they sell.

Unfortunately, most investors do not know what to look out for when analyzing businesses. 

They buy based on what their colleagues say, the next hot stock, or worse, take investing advice from TikTok or Wall Street Bets.


I realized that most investors aren’t successful because they are investing on borrowed conviction.

In other words, they rely on someone else’s research or opinion rather than conducting their own analysis and forming their own opinions.

When the market goes down, they can’t endure the drawdown because they don’t know what they own and sell at a loss.

When you look at the top investors in the world, guess what they all swear by?

Only invest in what you understand.

Success leaves clues.

By understanding your investments, you will be able to hold on to stocks during drawdowns, or even buy when everyone else is losing their minds.

That’s when you set yourself up future returns, and watch your wealth compound.

Most people think that investing is hard…but they just don’t have the right investing framework

And so, I combined my years of investing experience with more than 10,000 hours of research, learning about the best companies in the world, and I created The Steady Compounding Investing Framework.

Angie Lo

As a zero-finance background person, investing had been a pain point to me because I didn’t understand the market, and I had no idea where to begin learning. Thomas’s blog “Steady Compounding” inspired me to understand what really lies under every stock — a company. His course taught me how to read earnings report in a quick and simple way while digging out the intrinsic value of a company. What blew my mind was Thomas’s valuation methods. It helps me to sit tight through thick and thin in the market. Few months after I attended his course, I participated an investing competition and even won a prize!


I can honestly say that it was one of the best investments I have made. The course is a comprehensive guide to investing that takes you from beginner level to someone that can make their own investment decisions comfortably, covering everything from basic investment principles to more advanced strategies. I have studied investing for four years now and I am well past the beginner phase. However, I must admit they shared insights and tips that I had never heard before, which have already helped me make better investment decisions. I feel more confident and knowledgeable than ever before, and I owe it to Thomas. The knowledge I gained from this course will undoubtedly benefit me for many years to come. As Warren Buffet once said, "The more you learn, the more you earn." Thanks to Thomas, I am now equipped with the knowledge and skills to make smarter investment decisions and increase my wealth.

Stephanie Lau

MASSIVE THANK YOU TO THOMAS! I love his course because there is no fluff, and he is excellent at explaining complicated concepts with simple terms. A 5-year old kid can understand too. My biggest AHA moment is actually the live Q&A call where I asked all my questions in one goal and get well-explained answers! Compared to other investor courses, Thomas is no doubt the best teacher I have ever learnt from because he really masters the investing skills and he is extremely resourceful and customer centric! Before you invest in the right stocks, invest in the right teacher first - and I mean Thomas Chua!!! This guy can easily 100X your ROI with this tiny course fee by teaching you how to make a right investing decision. You will live a good life in the long run by consistently learning from him, thanks Thomas once again 🙂

Rajagopal Somasundaram

I am not a newbie to stock investing but I overpaid for many growth companies in 2020 and 2021. I didn't sell when I was sitting on huge paper profits . Initially I was skeptical of paying for this course. I thought worst case I will hear what I already know, best case I will learn something new. I am very happy I joined this course. I learnt a lot, to name a few that I truly valued, I loved learning how to value companies and not overpay with margin of safety. Enjoyed learning from real life investing examples from Thomas. He is a patient, knowledgeable and engaging teacher!

Ethan Quek

I’ve recently attended the course and I finally see the light in terms of using accounting concepts in determining which equity to select and buy. The course is conducted the course in a very clear and concise manner allowing laymen like me to understand and apply it in real life. Their interactive way of engaging the audience also made learning effective and fast. They’ve truly put a lot of thought in designing and executing the course. For you guys out there who want to invest effectively and efficiently, pls sign up for this course. You won’t regret it.

Titus Chng

If investing is a game, this course serves as a tutorial that guides us through level by level. I love that the content is condensed and structured. It is meaningful especially for someone with minimal investment knowledge and who would like to take a hands-on approach (reading of reports, assessment, valuations and due diligence) towards investing. My proudest takeaway is to gain the confidence and skills to do my valuations and due diligence before I invest in a company.


The Steady Compounding Investing Academy

The Steady Compounding Investing Academy is a high quality video course.

But it won’t teach you how to get rich quick. But rather an in-depth guide on how to analyze and value a company from scratch, empowering you to pick winning stocks with confidence.

A 10-module, high-quality video course with over 100 videos, filled with real-life case studies designed not only to make you a competent investor, but to streamline your learning process as well.

My mission is to simplify the complex – to cut through the jargon and demystify the technicalities of investing, making it less daunting and more accessible.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get:

Let me explain what’s inside:

Module 1:
Fundamentals of investing

➡️ Understand the power of compounding and set your financial goals

➡️ How to think like an owner in the stock market to develop holding power

➡️ Identify your circle of competence so you won’t get burned investing in what you don’t understand

➡️ Why we always need a margin of safety when investing in the stock market

Module 2:
How businesses make money

➡️ Learn about how a business makes money, and where its revenue comes from

➡️ What business models are good for long term investments (and what to avoid)

➡️ Understand the pros and cons of each business model

➡️ Where to find the information needed to determine a company’s business model

Module 3:
Economic moats

➡️ Learn why some companies are mighty profitable while others barely break even

➡️ Understand the difference between legacy moat and reinvestment moat

➡️ How to identify the competitive advantages of a business

Module 4:
Analyzing financial statements

➡️ Understanding what numbers to zoom into when analyzing an income statement

➡️ Where exactly to find the crucial financial information to help you understand a business

➡️ Understand why cash is king and how to determine if a company’s earnings is fake

➡️ Analyze the balance sheet to determine if the company has what it takes to withstand crises

💪 BONUS: Financial performance tracker included

Module 5:
Financial ratios

➡️ Simple key ratios and formulas you must understand to evaluate a business’ strengths and ability to survive a recession

➡️ Where to find these key ratios and formulas, and how to calculate them in just a few short minutes

➡️ Identify the best businesses in each industry by comparing the ratios with competition

Module 6:
Dissecting quarterly earnings and annual reports

➡️ Where to find the documents for quarterly earnings and annual reports

➡️ How to tune in to management’s earnings call with analyst

➡️ Learn how to read between the lines of what management says

➡️What are the operational metrics to focus on

Module 7:
Understanding business risks

➡️ Discover the risks associated with each sector of business

➡️ Identify when a company is at risk of declining and exit the investment

➡️ Learn about the early warning signs

Module 8:
Valuing stocks

➡️ Learn how to value businesses and how to forecast a business performance

➡️ Learn the various types of valuation methods, and when to use them:

1️⃣ DCF, 

2️⃣ Back-of-envelope, and 

3️⃣ Sum of the parts valuation techniques

➡️ Live case studies on how to value a profitable and loss-making growth company

➡️ A case study on identifying and valuing deep-value opportunities

💪BONUS: Valuation calculator included

Module 9:
Portfolio management

➡️ How to size your portfolio positions to ensure proper risk management

➡️ How to manage risk and approach market crashes

➡️ How much cash you should keep and how should you deploy your cash during bear markets

➡️ The best way to generate investment ideas

BONUS Module 10:
Dividend investing

➡️ Identifying companies with a stable and rising dividend stream

➡️ The metrics to look for when evaluating the sustainability of dividends of a company


➡️ LIVE case studies of dividend companies

➡️ Learn how to analyze REITs

Felicitas Ang

Every moment was filled with so many insights and value! I honestly feel that I am very lucky to have found this course as one of my first few courses. This course is definitely hands down, no cap a course that is selling under its intrinsic value. The instructors are really out there to make an impact and to teach one how to fish instead of giving them the fish. I honestly think that the amount of value that this course delivered is the only one out there in the industry/market.

Paul Maguire

The content was well structured and covers all the key things new investors need to learn (but don't have time to read 30 books and then try and remember what is important)! The biggest AHA moment was seeing how experienced growth investors analyse a company's performance over time to really begin to understand the business. I would highly recommend this investing course to people who want to compound their wealth over the long-term.

Sheereen Teo

Prior to taking the course, I had attempted to self-learn about investing through the usual gamut of materials available (YT, articles, podcasts etc). I had only made intermittent progress, because the amount of info to filter was really overwhelming for a newbie. This is the first 'proper' investing course I've taken and I'm really glad! For newbie/beginner investors, I'd highly recommend attending the course. No BS, no fluff, solid focus on drilling fundamentals, and trainers are refreshingly grounded, and passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience.


I loved the practical approach you guys implemented. First, you get basic knowledge of a topic, and then you do the practical exercises to understand the concepts. It helped me to understand the concept really well. How to do a valuation of any company was very insightful. I am confident in doing a fundamental analysis of any company using the excellent template provided by you guys. It gives you a lot of insights about the company and you can see the patterns in the numbers.

Jerry Sumendap

In the past few years, I investing just mainly based on the PE and PBV ratio, little bit guessing and a big question mark about value investing. The session that I enjoyed the most is the sharing of the REAL LIFE examples and use cases either for both good and bad company. These are very helpful especially for newbie like me. This course is absolutely RECOMENDED for those who would like to learn about value investing and both of them are really a great investor and mental model.

Jamie Ng

Am glad I decided to go ahead with this course despite my busy schedule. It not only teaches good fundamental principles of investing, there are concrete, simple, and step-by-step examples to back up the principles. Definitely learn a lot from the insightful thought processes on investing. These videos have high rewatch value. Pretty sure we will need to refer to them when we start our own investing journey.


Learned a lot about what matters and what to look in businesses and always keep in mind to view it from a business owner perspective. Though I need to run through the video recording few times to get it since I’m a beginner, the whole course is enjoyable and totally appreciate the tips of how to simplify the process of valuing company/stocks. Will totally recommend this to people who want to know the companies they invest in instead of just following the news.


You can tell they really went the extra miles to impart us what they know, not just for the sake of teaching. There were lots of AHA moment for me during the course, and you will definitely find yours if you join the course. One of the biggest AHA moment for me was finding out how easy it is to read the annual reports, cash flow, valuation etc. They really put it in the simplest way to explain it to us. I definitely recommend beginners like me to join this course, you won’t regret!

Bing Hong

Thomas opened my eyes to the world of compounding since he started Steady Compounding, and I have been hooked ever since. His deep dives are thoughtful, insightful, and relevant while providing useful resources that can be used by anyone. Worth every dollar! I’m glad I found him — his work has enhanced my knowledge of the world around me.

Nelson Chia

I have been investing for over a year and have learned about the importance of determining the intrinsic value of a company. However, after consulting various sources on how to perform such valuations, I still find that I do not grasp the underlying principles (due to my lack of background in financial and accounting knowledge), until I came across the Steady Compounding Investing Academy. Thomas not only teaches the method, but he also explains the concepts behind valuation in a simple and clear manner. More importantly, he helps me filter out all the "noise" surrounding investing, studying companies, etc., allowing me to focus on the truly essential actions. What I particularly appreciate about his approach is that it is grounded in research, without resorting to sensational language promising quick wealth, big success, or guaranteed returns – a perspective that aligns more with my personality. I would recommend this course to anyone who views investment as a long and steady journey.


This course trains your inner self to focus only on the things that matter the most, which is fundamental for any investor. My biggest AHA moment was when I learnt how simple it was to value a growth company and when to buy/sell. It's usually simple, but not easy - but these guys make it both simple and easy by breaking down complex investing concepts and business models.

How Meng

I have been following Thomas across all his social media accounts and find his content very easily understandable for beginners. Thomas is able to breakdown technicalities in analysing companies for the layman and this is beneficial for people who has time constraints. In this new course, the mental shift that I picked up was the difference in net income and free cash flow when thinking about valuation and also in analysing companies which have negative equity. If you are someone who is new to investment or would like to start learning in analysing companies, then Thomas would be the right mentor to go to as he is able to teach you in cutting out noises when investing and have conviction in your investing journey. Thank you Thomas!

Chia Yuan Lin

The course was very easy to understand for a beginner like me - They were able to explain concepts very well and relate to real-life examples. My biggest mental shift was how we should think like business owners when it comes to investing - only put our money in if we truly understand the business and have conviction in it, and not to be distracted by the stock market. Thomas have a very down-to-earth approaches to investing, and there are a lot of life lessons and wisdom in the course of their sharings as well. This is something lacking in a lot of other investing lessons I've come across. Anyone can teach concepts, but not everyone can teach the right mindsets. I would definitely recommend this course to other beginners. The wise mindsets and viewpoints that they share beyond the technical stuff should also be part of the foundation all investors should have.


I have been following Thomas' content across his social media platforms and I have subscribed to his research reports for more than a year. This Investing Academy is the latest service that he has offered. One thing that I can say with certainty is that Thomas' words and actions are consistent with his investment principles. He takes the emotions out of investing; he does not give FOMO advice. Compared to the abundance of content (or noises) out there by news outlets and investment "gurus", Thomas is in a league of his own. He is a breath of fresh air that is much needed in this industry. The Investing Academy is suitable for you if you want to manage your personal investment for the long term. You will be able to view the recordings at your own pace (with opportunities for Q&As) and you must be willing to put in the hours to learn. It is not suitable for you if you just want to earn quick bucks or gather stock tips. If you are serious in learning, the course is well worth the money.


I love the well-thought sequence and content (in different sessions) taught during this entire masterclass which was packed with many real life examples and experiences by both of you which helps us learn so much more. The biggest learning I gain from this course is what to look out for and what to ignore in 10-K,10-Q, Earnings Press Release, and Investor Presentation. This helps in shortening the time required to research a company. They teach without holding back, giving every information and knowledge which they know to us. This is definitely worth commending as some other investing courses usually aim to get participants to sign up for more courses instead of value-adding. Highly recommended course to other beginners as the learning curve is acceptable and sufficient time is provided for participants to learn the knowledge at a steady pace!

Law Jia Hong

Even with my accounting background, I struggled to intuitively understand the business models out there even though the courses highlighted strategies. I found Thomas's course to be more fitting for my level and because of it, I was now able to better apply what I learnt from other courses into my investment approach. I can say it is more suitable for beginners to intermediate investors. Thomas's insights on why these investing metrics are important and how they apply beyond investing have helped me to understand businesses more intuitively when I don't have access to my materials. I now can more easily identify business models and understand how to stress test them better, which is better than some of the over-optimism I see in other courses. If you are new to equity/stock investing and you want to learn more, Thomas's course eases you in nicely so that you can start reading 10-Ks and get the useful information.

Chong Yuan Chau

Thomas shared many useful tips to analyze financial reports and the qualitative side of the business, as well as tools so that investors like us can do their own quantitative analysis of the business as well. To me, Thomas way of teaching the concept of DCF has got to be the best that I have heard so far. He managed to break it down and make it really easy to understand the whole concept.They are also very willing to share and the process and framework taught in class were used in their own investing practice as well. I will definitely recommend this class for someone who is just starting up on the investing journey. Oh one more thing, you guys are a great follow on Twitter as well!

Elmer Tan

What I really liked about the course was we were taught how to extract the key metrics and input them into a proprietary template done by the trainers. With this template all the quantitative info needed could be analysed with just a quick glance which was so amazingly concise! They were able to clear up a lot of my questions which I were not able to find answers to clearly online. I have been searching quite awhile for such a course and am really glad I signed up for it. My only regret is I did not come across it earlier. But hey! Better late than never! .

Tan Meihui

I really enjoyed all the real life examples that were shared during this bootcamp which allowed me to understand the concepts better. Most importantly, I am also thankful for how the bootcamp was very practical instead of theory based. It has given me a practical process on how I can start investing as a beginner. Biggest AHA moment is when I realised that reading annual reports is not an alien language, but it can actually be done in a simple and systematic way for retail investors like me. I love how Thomas is able to present complex financials in such a smooth and straightforward manner.

Wilson Yap

I have been following Thomas for over 2 years now. I started with his newsletter where I learn more about investing. His regularly share books , blog and podcast that can benefit me to become a better investor. This are all very valuable resources that ordinary investor may not have come across. I like his investment philosophy and the way he articulates the complicated world of Investing. When he started to teach his 1st investment class in 2022, I immediately sign up. I knew he can deliver on what I want to learn. I know he is the guy that I can trust. I have signed up another of his investment class recently. The contents are great and enough to keep me thinking deeply into my own investing journey. I believe as a investor himself, he knows the pain points of being an investor. That's why his courses are a must for all serious investors.

Allen Loe

Peter Lynch once said that "If you can’t explain to an 11-year-old in two minutes why you own a stock, then you shouldn’t own it.” The most important thing I learnt from Thomas was to understand what I was buying into when investing in a particular stock then to be able to explain in layman terms before any logical analysis can be done. I especially appreciate the effort he makes into reading and studying hedge fund letters, books and other works of great investors on what they have done and internalizing them into the curriculum of this course, making the content so much relevant to the current stock market context. He also goes the extra mile to answer my questions as detailed as possible which is a far cry from the attention I get from trainers of other investment course providers. I highly recommend this course to any beginners interested in investment but concerned about course material being too technical.


This is the 4th Investing course I’ve joined so far and I’m SO glad I decided to join despite this being marketed as “for Beginners”. This course (to me) is more of a “Investing Essentialism”, helping me remove a whole LOAD of stuff (& confusion) and only FOCUS on the Essentials! With this Essence and Clarity, it’s so actionable. Each day after the course, I wanted to “ride the wave” and continue applying what I’ve learned. Definitely very suitable for beginners and for anyone who need Investment Clarity regardless no. of years of investing experience.


As an aspiring investor, I wanted to learn more about the fundamentals from someone beyond YouTube videos and finance articles. Thomas's approach towards investing makes me understand what true investing entails. I would recommend the course to any investor looking to get into the market and grow their portfolios sustainably.

Chloe Lin

Thomas course is very comprehensive and it offers a lot more insights into how to analyse companies at a much deeper level. It gives me more confidence in selecting the right businesses to grow my portfolio! 😀 Thank you Thomas!


Being a novice in the investment market, the research Thomas has put together made a lot of sense in a field full of questions for me. His work really helps you see through all the social media noise and the confusing news, putting you in the position to make an objective decision. Even more than his work, I appreciate his philosophy, focused on long term consistent growth.

Chris Carr

Very much appreciate the way you think about and evaluate investments. My biggest appreciation is your lack of hubris and recognition of confirmation bias. I (prior Air Force) liken this to taking pride in performing a go around rather then feeling the need to land out of every approach. It can be frustrating to spend weeks digging into a company only to discover a red flag late or decide it’s just too hard and set it aside. Choosing to perceive that time as value added learning something new rather than wasted is a rare gift.

Jennifer Wee

I signed up for Steady Compounding because I wanted to learn about investing from someone who has the experience, wisdom and skin in the game. Thomas had all that and more! I enjoy Thomas's clear, engaging and educational research reports and updates. His in-depth analysis of companies paired with his storytelling abilities makes reading about investing fun while educational. I highly recommend Steady Compounding to anyone who wants to compound not only their investment portfolio but also all aspects of life. Thank you, Thomas!

Rahul Sharma

I thought I should pass on my thanks for conducting the course. I am on the East Coast of US so timing didn't work out to attend live sessions. I tried but in the end decided to focus on the session recordings. I am a session behind but have been meaning to convey to you that it's a joy to attend this classroom and learn from you. I took one accounting class in college over 20 years ago and can only wish if you guys would have taught it 🙂 I am learning so much from not just the material but the way you share your thought process and nuggets of wisdom you provide.

Your invitation

The lessons in this course are the distillation of more than a decade of in-depth learning, practical execution, and meticulous refinement.

When I started out 15 years ago, I wanted to take investing courses to speed up my learning, but many courses came with a price tag of over $3,000.

And to take a class at Columbia Business School (where Warren Buffett learned investing) would cost tens of thousands of dollars.

The courses were out of my reach back then, even though I knew they’d help me leapfrog my investing journey.

I want to make sound investing education accessible to as many people as possible after this experience.

So I want to make a deal.

I’m confident Steady Compounding Investing Academy will empower you with the knowledge to make informed investment decisions. 

So I’m going to give it to you for a steal.

However, I have a small request.

It’s my personal mission to help as many investors as I can. So when you have mastered the skills of analyzing and valuing stocks from scratch, I’d love for you to tell a few friends so they know it’s the real deal next time I open access to the course.

Sounds fair?

If so, I won’t charge thousands.

Hell, it’s not even $2,000.

You can get everything we’ve discussed, plus some incredible bonuses, for just $997 TOTAL.

The button above will take you to a check out page. After filling in your details, you’ll receive immediate access to a private membership area containing the full video course and bonuses.

You can get started right away.

But a quick heads up.

You can ONLY get this discount if you buy before Tuesday, 28th, November (midnight PT).


A few reasons. First, I want to reward early action takers. I share a lot of strategies and I want you to get a head start.

Second, I’m offering some incredible time sensitive bonus for this launch!


Live training: How I analyze quarterly earnings call and update my valuation model… and how you can too

Value: $199

I am going to step-by-step explain how I evaluate a company’s latest earnings call and results to update my thesis and valuation model.

Bearing in mind this will be based on the latest results (its earnings season now), it’ll be a valuable experience.

Some of the stuff you’ll learn:

➡️ What are the KEY factors to focus on when reviewing earnings?

➡️ How to read between the lines during earning calls?

➡️ How should I make use of what management has provided to update my valuation model?

➡️ How do I identify potential red flags during the earnings call?

➡️ How do I decide whether to buy, sell or add to my existing position?

There’ll also be a Q&A.


Lifetime access to future updates at no additional cost or subscription fees!

Value: $399

When it comes to investing, the landscape is ever-changing, and to navigate it successfully, your knowledge should evolve too. That’s why this course is more than just a one-time educational experience.

Here’s what you’ll get when you enroll before the deadline:

➡️ Lifetime access & continuous updates

➡️No additional subscription fees to get updated content

➡️New videos currently in the pipeline:

1️⃣ Amazon Sum of the Parts Valuation

2️⃣Dividend Investing: Complete REITs mastery

3️⃣Why Scaled Economics Shared is Such a Powerful Model


Valuation Spreadsheets and Financial Tracker

Value: $199

Unlock the exact spreadsheet templates I use for valuing stocks and monitoring their financial health.

Here’s what you’ll get:

➡️ DCF Model for Profitable Businesses: Value companies that are already making a profit.

➡️DCF Model for Loss-Making Businesses: Assess the future potential of businesses currently in the red.

➡️Back-of-the envelope model: Get a ballpark valuation of any business in under 5 minutes

➡️Financial Performance Tracker: Keep tabs on your investments


Access to Steady Compounding Insider Stocks

Value: $250

Get a bonus 3-months FREE access to my flagship Steady Compounding Insider Stocks. 

Once you become an insider, you’ll receive my exclusive research reports every two weeks that covers my investment research, market updates and my thoughts on valuation. 

Here’s what you’ll get:

➡️ 28 exclusive insider reports per year: This is a no BS report that covers stocks breakdowns, quarterly earnings insights, and market commentaries. This will be sent on the second and fourth Friday of every month.

➡️Timely updates on important market events: Receive insights on monetary policies, regulatory shifts, and significant events impacting covered companies.

➡️Access the entire archive of insider only reports: This archive has been built up since March 2021 and contains a treasure throve of business breakdowns and insights.

Unlike many of the analyst reports that flip flop as frequently as short-term price fluctuations or news cycles, we are anchored in a long-term, business owner mindset. Our focus is on investing in businesses that are steady compounders, growing our wealth over time.

These bonuses not only supplement the course content, but also grant you valuable insights into real-time company evaluation.

But that’s not all.

This is your opportunity to engage directly with the course material, to clarify any queries, and deepen your understanding.

I take your investment and attention seriously and this is my way of showing it.

And that’s STILL not all.

You’re also covered by my…




I have literally no doubt that this product will be the best bang-for-your-buck investment you make for your investing journey.

But I appreciate the internet’s like the wild west and there’re a lot of crooks out there who overcharge and underdeliver.

So I guarantee the results. If you complete the course and you’re not MUCH better at analyzing businesses and your growth isn’t improving dramatically, drop me an email – I’ll refund you. No questions asked.

So come join the compounders, and carve our path to financial freedom, one smart investment at a time by clicking the button below. 

You’ve made it this far…

So you’re either weird like me and can’t help but finish what you start reading, or maybe you’re questioning the value of this course because there aren’t dazzling claims of instant riches.

Let’s set something straight.

If you’re in pursuit of overnight wealth, this course isn’t for you. I’m looking for people committed to steady, reliable wealth compounding. If that doesn’t resonate, we’re likely not a match.

Here’s the truth:

My journey here wasn’t swift. I explored numerous investing styles, and spent more time than I’d like to admit ‘figuring things out on my own’, when I could have followed those with hard-earned wisdom.

That was a mistake.

While I may not be a University Finance Professor…

I’ve taught over 200 students in past courses, many of whom have praised my teaching methods as superior to their finance professors’, or have called this the best investing course they’ve taken.

This product is what I wish I knew when I first started investing.

So, I can’t put a value on your time or your capital…

But if this course can save you years of trial and error and costly lessons from Mr. Market, it’s worth more than its price tag.

If you choose to join me, I’m honored. If not, no hard feelings. I hope my free content continues to serve you.

Thank you for sticking with me.


How much will this cost?
Are there any hidden charges?

The course is available for a fair investment of $997. Given the in-depth knowledge you’re about to access, this is a solid deal, especially when compared to other pricier courses that deliver less value

Math isn’t my strong suit. Can I still benefit from this course?

Absolutely! As Warren Buffett said, “If calculus were required, I’d have to go back to delivering papers. I’ve never seen any need for algebra.” The only math you’ll need for this course is basic arithmetic.

I’m already juggling a lot.
How much time do I need to become an investor?

I feel that. It took me years of studying investing materials and learning from seasoned investors before I became proficient with investing. In this course, I will teach you everything you need to know and what to focus on, to make sure you become a proficient investor in the shortest amount of time.

Does this course cover forex trading and technical analysis?

No, this course doesn’t cover those. I’m an investor, not a trader or speculator. My teaching centers around what I confidently know and do well, steering clear of speculation.

Is there a time limit to access the course material?

Not at all. In fact, I plan to continuously update the course with more investing content and fresh case studies. If you invest now, you’ll get those future additions for free, even when the course price increases.

Do you have plans to teach live courses again?

The beauty of recorded courses is that they offer constant flexibility. Not only can I continue to update and add new modules to keep the content fresh, but it also allows learners globally to engage with the material at their own rhythm. Plus, I must admit, I don’t like repeating myself every time I run a new course cohort. However, to mark this special launch, I’ll host a LIVE webinar to answer any questions you may have about the course. Just make sure to sign up before the deadline to gain access!

Does this course come with a community?

There’s no community with the course because I want to give you lifetime access to the material without charging you a monthly subscription. We do have Q&A calls frequently where you can meet with other investors.